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Musings of a Grown A** Woman — fatherhood

This Holiday

Shantel Walz American Gods amwriting autonomy balance blog blogger break death depression engage expectations expression family fatherhood Fathers Day grief guilt honesty husband legacy life loss love marriage men momblog musings no guilt parenthood parenting parents realness rethink sadness season finale self care Starz Sunday thanks thoughts tired understanding weekend welcome wife women writer

  This HolidayIt's Father's Day here in North America…and the only thing I'm excited about is the season finale of “American Gods” on Starz tonight. Color me aloof AF. Last year was spent on a pillow of tears the first half of the day followed by snowballs and lamentations that evening. Today, I have what seems to be the beginnings of a sinus infection and a fistful of anger. I'm mad as hell that I can't call my dad or grandfathers. I'm sure some of you are thinking, “Doesn’t she have a husband who is the father of her son?”...

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Never JUST a Wife and Mom

Shantel Walz adult ambition autonomy baby blog blogger break children confidence creativity dynamics expectations expression family fatherhood free free spirit goals guilt husband inspired journey kid life marital bliss marriage men mom guilt momblog mommy motherhood musings no guilt parenthood parenting parents realness rethink roles self care thanks thoughts toddler wife women writer

  Thought I wasn't gonna get around to posting this week, huh? Yep. So did I. LOL! But here we are. Recently, I posted on Facebook about my excitement regarding my son’s upcoming foray into public school. I'm BEYOND ready for him to be out of my sight for a few hours during the day. Like, seriously…we see each other too much. Not to mention, I HAVE GOALS. I noticed upon posting my elation (and subsequent celebratory twerking) that people really love to put other folks in boxes. Since that post, I've read and heard things like: “You're not gonna...

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Grey Matters

Shantel Walz baby blog blogger comedy family fatherhood funny honesty kid life mischief momblog mommy motherhood musings parenthood parenting parents potty training realness thoughts toddler women writer

    I'm the mother of one child; a 3 year old genius of a boy, Greyson. I'm probably a little biased because he's mine, but recognizing sight words, counting to 20, knowing his letters and letter sounds, his screaming jibberish questions along with Jeopardy contestants and yelling letters with the ones on Wheel of Fortune, I'd say he isn't doing too shabby. Being his mother has also intensified my desire to have zero more children. As much as I absolutely adore him, I can't imagine myself with 2 of him (or pregnant EVER AGAIN IN LIFE). Lawrdt, NO.  ...

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What is FUN?

Shantel Walz adult baby babysitter blog blogger break comedy expectations family fatherhood fun funny honesty kid life momblog mommy motherhood musings parenthood parenting parents realness self care thoughts tired toddler women writer

In a very rare turn of events, my husband and I had a day to ourselves; a FRIDAY, nonetheless. We made plans. It would be a day filled with childless fun and meals. We'd go to the movies, have lunch, take a walk through a museum, go skydiving and/or canoeing, maybe catch a few fish and crabs, visit the west coast and attend a wine tasting in Napa Valley, go to France for crepes, and follow that up with a spa day before returning home in time for the kid to be dropped off in a few hours (ALL the...

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