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Shantel Walz blog gift inspired metamorphosis purse recreate rethink vintage

My gift is the ability to see the potential in anything; my curse is being able to see the potential in anything. The latter has been proven by my taste in boyfriends during my younger years (that is a blog post to be read over wine and tapas). Recently, I have allowed my gift to propel this journey into artistic entrepreneurship. Nothing is more satisfying than finding something that someone lost hope in, and turning it into something someone else (or the same person) can love again. This metamorphosis (of sorts) manifests itself in my day-to-day, not so artsy experiences. Oftentimes, I look at situations with disdain, not really understanding the beauty of what I may be enduring. Hindsight really is 20/20! I'm realizing everyday that just because "it" (a situation) isn't favorable at first glance doesn't mean it can't be; especially if it is handled with care. Every gift won't be presented in a pretty package...and if I wrapped it at Christmastime, I can assure you it won't.

Good night, all!

Note: Being my own boss has allowed me to cross paths with some phenomenal people! On June 18, 2015, I met a lovely woman named Cassandra at a networking event. We spoke briefly about my plans for Art Crush and the fact that there is a blog attached to my website. She immediately challenged me to write my first post, not knowing that I NEVER back down from a challenge. Although I was reticent about posting, (the mere thought made my palms sweaty) I knew that I would make good on my promise. So Cassandra, if you're reading this, despite the technical difficulties, operator error(s), discomfort, and not having any clue what I'd type about, I did it! Thank you for the push!

*pictured purse is sold...more one of a kind bags to come!*

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